Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki (Master Teacher Level) ... COMPLETE!
I choose not to feel “down” in my “down- time”!
Time is precious after all 🙏🏽
Instead, in the spaces in-between, I have chosen to expand my therapeutic offering.
Being a freelance design contractor, as well as a holistic therapist, I’m learning to take the spaces in-between design contracts as opportunities to GROW and develop myself, when I can. There must be a reason, after all, that I’m in a body whose blood feels so thoroughly like I’m my own boss – I honestly feel it’s in my blood to move around and learn from different clients, to be my own boss, despite the challenges and need for occasional relentless hunts for work in-between contracts. I think and feel that finding my own luck is in my DNA.
Basically, I was born to the people I was born to, with the blood and instincts that I have, in order for me to grow best with the challenges that these things bring. I believe this for all people.
Where does this drive come from? As my father once explained … My father and my father’s father lived in Istanbul, (my grandfather) started his working life working as a dyeing technician in probably the most important textile factory at that time. They called him, “the master of dyeing’’, due to his vast knowledge in that field, that he acquired in Germany. When he was 40 years old, in 1947, the year (my father) was born, he founded his own (with a partner) dyeing and finishing (yarns and fabrics) factory, actually next to the factory he used to work for. A few years later, in addition to his partnership in the dyeing factory and this time on his own, he formed a towel weaving factory. Therefore, (my grandfather had) always been a textile manufacturer. He died when he was 56 years old, in 1963, when my father, now also passed, was about 16 years old. He was a hard working man, a wonderful man in every point of view. Liked and respected by everyone. This information my father shared with me. It’s nice to know where I, and my instincts come from. Not everyone has this luxury.
I digress. Slightly. So I’m grateful for this drive to be self-sufficient. It means I can grow on a spiritual level by expanding my offerings as a therapist. The therapy work is what I love. Design work is fun but my motivation for it is to pay my way. Therapy helps people more immediately so is more rewarding.
Thanks to B-J Raben at Sophiero Healing for providing the space and training for the Reiki Holy Fire III placements/ignitions, and teacher training. I’ve learnt the difference between the attunements used in Usui -style Reiki … and the placements/ignitions involved in Holy Fire -style Reiki. The latter doesn’t require direct contact between the Teacher Master and student. This makes the energy purer as there is no opportunity for ego or any blockages to hinder the process. The energy comes directly from Source. The process of the course was very meditative, allowing time and space to feel our way to new insights and potential directions for our authentic selves.
Holy Fire Reiki, is Usui Reiki, plus adaptations. William Lee Rand was guided to introduce Holy Fire in 2014. Holy Fire is reported to be a more refined, nurturing, loving feeling, that works continuously within you. It spontaneously heals, without distress or angst. It respects free will, works with relationships and brings guidance. Supportive with your own intuition, it helps develop self-love, enthusiasm and patience. And brings us into our Authentic Self.
I had so many insights during this training that are only just starting to settle with me. Having written them down, it will be interesting to see how far these insights will go. I knew when I did my Usui Reiki Master Level, that I was “ready for the next step”. I did not know that the steps would come to me so soon and that there would be so many steps – so much potential. Sharing Reiki will be just one. And that is beautiful in itself.
My Insights, received:
(During “Healing River of Life” meditation.)
1. The need to LET GO & good things will happen. Hand in hand with a want for GRACE & EASE in my life going forward. No need for obstacles. Focus on GRACE, EASE, NATURE, SURRENDER, LETTING GO. The TRUST that comes with letting go and loosing control … because we are looked after. There are things already in place that I can rely on (like my experience!), so I can let go and rely on that circle of trust. I don’t need to necessarily make so much effort. And I can ALLOW MYSELF TO HAVE A GOOD TIME!
(Following meditation)
2. The need to heal myself so I can best heal others. Therapists need therapy too! Any therapist will agree, and many like this idea. The need to be LOVED & RESPECTED. This changed, having shared my experience with the group, to me loving and respecting myself.
3. My Authentic Self is my inner child, who enjoys dressing up, finding the right outfit and SPACE CLEARING!
4. I was “shown” a health clinic close to where I live. As I’m trusting of my insight, that comes from Source, I have pursued this in the shape of an email, enquiring about opportunities there.
My insights were mainly intellectual/ideas-based. In previous Reiki courses, they have been visual eg. purple blobs that pulse and grow (third eye chakra colour), or pink and green (heart chakra colours). This lead to a fellow Master suggesting that I FEEL more and that I JUST BE. What is an insight if not shared?
(Second Ignition):
5. It’s OK for me to ACCEPT LOVE. It’s OK for me to lean on somebody; like others lean on me. I am safe to accept love, now. (That night I had dreamt that I was leaning on an old friend).
(Third Ignition):
In which my authentic self is revealed …
6. I saw myself in hospitals/hospices, with parents & kids, taking them under my wing and connecting them, giving them strength. Regressing dying adults to their past-lives to help them clear and understand themselves.
7. A theme arose again from Reiki Level II. The idea of being ultimately alone at birth and death. B-J (Master Teacher) reminded me that we are NOT BORN ALONE! which is comforting. I remember the floods of tears that this thought brought up for me on my Level II course!
8. Belief breeds Belief.
9. Do I want to continue to learn the easy way? or the hard way? … that it is what’s on the inside that matters – looks matter less.
10. I need to thank recruiters more for the work that they do.
11. The angle of the couch during a Hypnotherapy session … represents the required/desired trust between the client and myself. Up and at a slight angle, so they know (it represents) the choice that they have to accept or reject the suggestions given in the trance state.
12. I can go with the flow AND write lists!
13. Our shadows contain our greatest potential to GROW & HEAL💚
(Fourth Ignition):
14. My Authentic Self is NURTURING & WANTS THE BEST FOR OTHERS. Now to prepare to create space to align others with Reiki. Ask them, why? and how this journey started.
15. Focus on what you want. Not what needs healing. Focusing on dark brings more dark. Focus on the lightness of being. When it’s the right time, SHARP FOCUS can be put onto the shadows that need more light. We often forget to ASK! for help when we need it!
16. Continue to create a nurturing, loving home life for myself.
17. Focus on what I do have!
18. (Insight from B-J Raben) Give as much time to my heart as I do my head. Be still. Just BE. Then see what bubbles up.
19. The “partnership” page on my website needs to be for Healers/Teachers that I align with, have experienced and believe in. I won’t accept requests to be on the list, although feel free to subtly suggest you may like to be on the list – perhaps by offering a therapy swap 🙂
What is the essence of a Reiki Master (Teacher)?
Knowing that everyone and everything has a place in this world. Being Authentic. Someone that works on their own personal healing. Sees importance in continuing to develop themselves. Is mindful. Practices what they preach. Acknowledges that we all have healing potential and can change patterns. Accepts the negative side. Embraces working on our shadows. Works as a part of a community. Understands that Source knows you and understands you completely. Able to go into their Heart and tune into the Light. Loves, trusts, honours and respects themselves completely.
Accepting these principles allows us to live in Peace & Happiness.
… If people frustrate you, are they reflecting something in you? How can you release that?
There is so much more to learn and share!
Thank you for the lessons!