“I was very relaxed during the whole process. My baby was born via elective c section ... turned out to be the best decision as he was transverse. Thank you for helping me get there. ”
“As a first time father, the course showed me different ways to support my wife. I think parents can be independent, but we both felt supported by each through our son’s birth, better able to ask for what we wanted and needed. We received amazing support from Tessa, including a session a week before our son’s birth as my wife had insomnia ... it really helped her to sleep.”
“The last week before our EDD and having just moved into & decorated our new home! I was unsure if it was too late to hypobirth. However the online course helped us to rest and relax with Tessa guiding us through, despite my difficulty focusing, baby kicking, finding it hard to sleep, in the last week! Babe didn’t make an appearance until several days after our EDD.”
“Thanks to hypnobirthing, I was picturing my ‘garden’ during some of the difficult contractions.”
“Tessa’s Hypnobirthing MP3s are divine. They bring me such a feeling of bliss.”
“Hypnobirthing helped me throughout my labour by calming my anxiety about whether I could do it. I’m a talkative person, however through birthing stages I was quiet & calm. When I was in transition I only said one word & then it was done. My partner was surprised at my silence & peace through the birth.”
“I did not hypnobirth for my first child. I did for my second child ... he was bigger ... and it was easier!”