Healing InSight Method
for Belief Change

Session one is 90-Minutes, £90.
Ongoing sessions are 60-Minutes, £75.


enabling self-healing

The Healing InSight method is a new healing method created by Counselling Psychologist Nikki Gresham-Record. I received the therapy and learnt the method from its creator, and have witnessed wonderful transformations in the people who have also received the therapy. The book may be another good introduction for those interested. The method helps you into a better feeling state, actively guiding you to discover your personal priority belief statements / new beliefs and facilitates your vibrational realignment with these new, helpful beliefs.

belief change

Belief change is enabled through a blend of energy healing and energy psychology principles including Qigong, Kinesiology, whole-brain integration, visualisation and dialogue between the head, heart and gut. It utilises Wuji (an emptiness of form that contains potential) … helping you to positively transform your beliefs and your life.

The method can be used as a tool for daily life or for immersion into deep healing. It enables explorations of your unconscious programs, allowing limits or blocks you are unaware of to come into consciousness, in order to be released.


You may or may not be aware of what your limited beliefs are. This is fine. The method can find them for you, or we can explore this together in order to re-write them for you. Become aware of ‘negative automatic thoughts’ (NATs) that pop into your head and write them down when you can.

You do not need to know what is holding you back – the system helps you find the perfect alignment to release resistance and allow expansion.

The “simple method” explores current challenges and feelings in order to discover the limited belief, which you can then shift, replacing it with re-written new beliefs. The practitioner guides you through an alignment process, to ground your new beliefs.

The “advanced method” uses muscle testing to test in which chakra your priority beliefs can be found. In order for you to align with your priority beliefs, we first find the aspect within the chakra. We use muscle testing to do so.


Can it work for you?

Yes! It’s created for anyone who is willing to do the inner work. The method is a series of standard protocols based on ancient spiritual practice, research and psychology.

The method gives a quick shift on stubborn old beliefs – the more you use it, the lighter you feel. It’s effective and has consistently helps people achieve positive belief change.

Change the energy on the inside and your physical body reflects these shifts; you feel better and your outside world reflects the changes back to you. You respond differently, behave and feel differently. Shifting the beliefs and perceptions, freeing yourself from guilt, shame, anger and separation. Make way to experience higher vibrations and to experience love for life, self, and other.

Pain is often a disconnect from who we truly are, our soul self or inner being. The Healing InSight® method serves in this re-connection, accessing that precious space in which transformation occurs, using intention, attention, hemispheric brain integration, release, re-alignment and visualisation (developing intuition). I have done the work – many others have, and so can you!

If you need ongoing support, Healing InSight method can be a 1:1 session at Light Centre, Belgravia, or online on zoom. I look forward to working with you.


First session is 90-Minutes.
Then 60-Minutes ongoing.

following on from a healing insight session, The daily repetition of your new expansive beliefs is a powerful practice that ultimately leads to manifestation. With grounded new beliefs you have new resonance, which leads to new possibilities! The possibilities are endless 💗