Light Centre therapy rooms are open!
Remote & online therapies are still up & running better than ever, with a massive increase in Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions & people seeking assistance from the comfort of their Home. Remote therapies are massively successful. One silver lining from the current climate is that therapy is much more easily accessible. I look forward to working with you β in-clinic & remotely.
10% OFF Deep Tissue Aromatherapy Massage *Signature* Therapy.
At Light Centre, Belgravia. End date August 2020.
50% OFF ALL THERAPIES for NHS & Care Workers.
One manual and one talking/remote therapy per individual.
Not in conjunction with any other special offer. Expires 31 August 2020. Offer may be extended.
Three 90-Minute Aromatherapy Massages.
A week of maximum healing.
Price includes 50% OFF the third massage.
NOW Β£225
2x 90-Minute Deep Tissue Aromatherapy Massages.
90-Minute Usui Reiki Affirmation Creation & Installation Session.
NOW Β£369
Clinical Hypnotherapy.ο»Ώ
Six Session Package. Online or in-clinic.
Multiple Sessions Package recommended for: Weight-Change, Eating Disorders & Depression.
Usual price: Β£570 NOW Β£510
50% OFF Smoking Cessation.ο»Ώ
Clinical Hypnosis. Online or in-clinic.
Now, more than ever, lung health is so very important.
Usual price: Β£350 NOW Β£175
20% OFF Past-Life Regression.
Online or in-clinic.
Usual price: Β£95/hour NOW: Β£76/hour
20% OFF Reiki Affirmation Creation & Installation.ο»Ώ
90-Minutes: 30-Minute Affirmation Creation & 60-Minute Reiki Installation β using Master Symbols. In-clinic only with PPE.
Usual price: Β£111 NOW: Β£88.80
20% OFF Clinical Hypnotherapy for Anxiety-Release.ο»Ώ
Two, one-hour Hypnotherapy sessions that include: Timeline Therapy, CBT Anchoring & Ego-Strengthening. Online or in-clinic.
Usual price: Β£190 for two hours OFFER: Β£152 for two hours
20% OFF Reiki Healing.
β¨90-Minutes. In-clinic only with PPE.
Usual price: Β£111 OFFER: Β£88.80