A Past-Life Regression Success Story
But first: Serving yourself and others. Thoughts from the long weekend.
It’s natural for us to serve others before we serve ourselves. It’s a skill to learn – when to pause and take time to love, nurture and serve ourselves. Often the symptoms of needing rest are physical, muscular, emotional. Taking time to be still, and listen to what our bodies are telling us is important. It’s easy in a city like London to forget to listen to the signs. To push or power through. Sometimes forgetting that soft is actually strong.
It works vice versa. There comes a time when we may have taken in enough yoga, enough meditation, enough “time off” … “Project: Me” also has it’s own timeframe, it’s own space. Enough of a dose of self-love to satisfy your bliss, until the next round. (Although consistency and balance is of course quite key, and ideal.) But indulgence, the sweet indulgence in the things that we love to do, in the things that nurture our bodies, our energies, our chi, or minds and our spirits. That is why we’re here on this perfect planet. We only need to allow ourselves to open the doors to our bliss … to rid ourselves of anything holding us back, so we can move forward and be our potential.
Dreams come true.
This long weekend I’ve decided to stop chasing. To stop moving. To stop needing to be somewhere for someone else. I’ve listened to the emotions that have bubbled up in the pauses in between busy life and was inspired to share a client’s success story, with her permission.
Actual Progress. Actual Success. Dreams come true. Be careful what you wish for … and what you ask for.
Friday saw a client be married to her dear partner. So radiantly beautiful, basking in the glory of her femininity, of her power, so graceful on her wedding day. Knowing how much she has wanted to “just be … married”, we were celebrating not only a marriage on Friday, but our collective ability to achieve the things that we set our hearts to, when we apply ourselves, are honest with ourselves and others, and are perfectly ourselves. An example of having the courage to know what we want and asking for it.
In 2018 the blushing bride (LKR) had taken a Past-Life Regression Session in which she revealed a wish – to be married. Amongst other wishes.
The whole point of Past-Life Regression Therapy is for you to bring to the session a challenge you are currently experiencing. A limiting belief, something that you feel is holding you back. A problem to be solved, so that you can find why this is happening and what it can reveal for you … how you are developing as a soul and can continue to develop. You can discover how this issue is a continuation of what your soul has seen and done in a past-life.
Run over the hurdles the right way. Success is only ever the next step.
In my experience we can sabotage our own success at times by bringing up “dummy” issues. These are current-life issues that are not the deep issues that need to heal.
Why can people initially bring dummy issues to the session?
Because success can be scarrie! With success comes new open doors, new worlds to enter, new challenges and responsibilities (see book Success Intelligence: Timeless Wisdom for a Manic Society by Robert Holden). Until we’re ready to proceed, we can often freeze at the last hurdle when success is just around the corner. These “dummy” issues serve as a distraction from the real issue. I can, as a therapist, question if your, for example, occasional binge eating is your actual issue, but deep down you will realise when you are ready, that there could be, for example, a sadness brought about perhaps ancestrally, that needs to be cleared energetically, so that you can bring this pattern into your awareness for it to be healed. And then you can share your healing story to help others.
My now married client, LKR was a good example of coming to a session with a dummy issue. The good thing about the nature of past-life regression healing is that multiple things can be revealed and healed in one session. In her own words, “I went to see Tessa with the issue of a poor sense of professional worth, which is reflected in an ongoing trend of bad finances. Although sceptical at first, Tessa gradually put me into a deep trance which was a welcome relaxation in itself, but then dug really deep to make subtle suggestions … and eventually uncovered my deep personal unconscious trends.” A poor sense of professional worth wasn’t the only or dominant issue. The actual issue was: Not valuing her time and worth properly, under-valuing herself and not fully accepting money owed to her. Both asking for and accepting money/energy/reward was the issue. We discovered that her desire for peace was greater than her desire for reward (in her past-life).
The many things discovered about LKR’s past-life explained her current issues and desires. In her past-life LKR had wanted to experience a marriage and family of her own, and hadn’t. Until 23rd August 2019! A beautiful example of soul progression. With a new awareness of her past-life desire to marry and pro-create, that was unfulfilled, and the dissatisfaction that came with this, we are able to see the soul’s intelligence and progress, throughout lives.
That is not all! Much more was revealed in the session.
Example Revelations from this session:
In the past-life, LKR:
Didn’t feel as though (he) had any power… LKR: “I don’t have that kind of voice or power … don’t want to blow my chances” … (LKR was afraid of confrontation, of asking for what’s due, in her past-life) … “Maybe if I got married I’d have asked for more”…..
In this life LKR:
This is echoed in LKR’s speech impediment which she had as a young girl. Perhaps a short-lived echo of a past where she didn’t feel heard.
In the past-life, LKR:
Wants to be acclaimed, recognised and celebrated for the (scientific research) that he does. Wants to be in the limelight. Wants to write his book.
In this life LKR:
Is an acclaimed, recognised and celebrated architectural lighting designer! And continually creates visual books/sketchbooks.
In the past-life, LKR:
Regretted not being married. He was too loyal to his Master/the person he worked for.
In this life LKR:
Is married.
In the past-life, LKR:
Worked for people that took an element of credit for the hard work that he did. Desires to have his own business but doesn’t.
In this life LKR:
Also works for people that take an element of credit for the work done. Only LKR realises now, that the painting, original drawings and calligraphy work that she has a talent for in this life, cannot be credited to anybody other than herself. LKR now has the facility to have her own business and does work for herself when it suits her.
Personal insight gained: LKR is lucky to be a woman. To be creative, more powerful and can ask for what she wants. (This insight was freely offered in the trance by LKR, from her deep subconscious).
Personal insight/affirmation gained: LKR has a new, powerful voice and can now ask for what she wants!
Click here for an example of a Past-Life Regression Summary Script.
The above summary script was written for LKR following the Past-Life Regression main session, to install new findings.
To book a therapeutic session with Tessa email her at littlesteps@tessabaliholistic.com or call 07947 849 602.
A confidential consultation form will follow.
For Hypnotherapy and Past-Life Regressions, a consultation can take place over the phone at an arranged time.